
Showing posts from 2021

Generate password for altool and upload build (ipa) to TestFlight and using altool

Login to   Generate APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORD Save generated password as later it will not be able to view and edit Use generated password in the altool . Example:   xcrun altool --validate-app -f best/my/app.ipa -u -p "APP-SPECIFIC-PASSWORD" Notes: After changing users password all app specific passwords will be revoked. 

Xcode Server build number incrementation

To increment build number in the Xcode Server I am using  Set: Current Project Version = 1 and Version System = Apple Generic . Can be found more in Apple documentation .  Right click on the bot and choose Edit Bot...   Open Triggers  tab and add Pre-Integration Script  Give a name  (example: Set Build Version) and write script:  # Change directory to project path   cd $XCS_PRIMARY_REPO_DIR  # Set build version same as integration number xcrun agvtool new-version -all $XCS_INTEGRATION_NUMBER